Saturday, August 1, 2009

Curly Hair Advice. Help Please?

Im 18 years old now. I am bi-racial and so is my 2 year old son. I Cut my sons hair last summer because it was long and curly which made him hotter then it was. well after it started growin back out i noticed that it wasnt growning like it was before.He had long perfect curls before and now they only curl when its wet. And I also had long curly hair when i was younger and it was cut and never really grew back the same. Is there anyway that i can grow it back out or is there certain products i can use to get it back. help

Curly Hair Advice. Help Please?

if I were a black guy, I would just cut my hair really short. It brings out your masculine facial features better too.

Curly Hair Advice. Help Please?

I have had off and on curly hair my whole life.

WHen I was younger, I had curly, then it went straight, now its curly again. You can try using products like curly hair shampoo...but it will eventually go curly again.:)

Curly Hair Advice. Help Please?

Its not different because you cut it and its not growing the same, it is different because a childs hair changes as they get older. It happened to you and now it is happening to your son. It should eventually become curly again on its own.

Curly Hair Advice. Help Please?

you can use some curl activator. it is sold at most drug and department stores.

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